Celebrate Dad
Celebrate Dad

Celebrate Dad

We lost one of the greats only a months ago. John Robert Finley passed away at home on Friday, July 29th.

Heartbroken, we move forward and begin to reflect less on the loss of someone so meaningful to our lives and more on the celebration of his wonderful life and legacy. He’s the type of person whose stories will be told long into the future to family members who will never meet him. He changed how many of us view the world around us, and we can only thank him for sharing his time energy, love and dedication to us.

This past weekend, many of his friends found their way to Fritz’s house in Potomac for the service. Approximately 150 guests from all over the country came to share stories and pay their respect to a man that left life changing impressions of all of those he met. While the somber service was tearful as his best friend of 79 years, god daughter, nephew, son, daughter and second nephew shared the planetary emotion of his impact on their lives, the unity of the group and the energy of his legacy was discussed among everyone with warm smiles and laughter. It was truly a celebration of the ages.

I took on two contributions to the service, I lent my expertise in editing to create a life story in images with a 40 minute slideshow which would play on the big screen in fritz’s family room.

Finally, as there was a navy presence at the service, the customary brass bell was rung by John’s nephew Daryl (dressed in his navy whites) to signify his end of watch. Lois asked that I create a bell stand for the service. Which I was honored to craft for him which I did using the parts salvaged from his prized Alberg 30, Backfin.